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Most Work: A lot of office jobs are done in front of a computer at an physical office. You can do transcription work using a computer but in your own home or anywhere it's comfortable to work.
Home Base Work: We have access to many employers who have 'normal jobs' that they've simply made available to home based transcription workers so that they can save money.
Full-time: Yes, there are full and part-time home based transcription jobs available. Although not as plentiful as regular work, jobs that lead to lifelong careers are available.
Home Base Career: Enter your best email above to be included in the list that receives notifications of available transcription work and jobs that lead to full-time employment and being able to do so home based.
Technology exists for our benefit and there's not many jobs or work that can't be done in the modern world that it's not possible to do so on a computer in the physical location of your choosing. Home-based transcription work is a real thing and the home based jobs exist.